View Profile DevlinEdora

12 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 17 Reviews

Absolutely incredible, man. I would love to be able to express myself this creatively. I'm glad you can use this artform to stay strong. I'm here for ya if you need anything, brotha'. Much love.

RoobyKillAll responds:

Thanks a ton my brotha!


I may be biased, but that track was pretty awesome.

RoobyKillAll responds:

Yeah it is, isn't it?


You killed this one, man. Seriously.

RoobyKillAll responds:

Thanks man. I was feelin' it.


Man, you're songs on just on another level these days. I feel like the theme of this song went great with the beat. Keep it up, brotha'.

RoobyKillAll responds:

Thanks dude. Glad to see you're still tunin' in.


This is by far the most emotional and inspirational song I've ever heard on newgrounds. I'm so glad I happened upon it. Incredible.

T-Free responds:

Thanks, DevlinEdora. :)

Another Great Song.

Another solid tune Rooby, good stuff. Solid flow, catchy chorus, fun and nostalgic lyrics. The beat is cool, unique sounding. Definately makes me thing of the tropics. I also just want to take this opportunity to say that nietzlawe produces some nice beats, hope I can jump on one at some point. Keep up the great work guys. =D

RoobyKillAll responds:

Thanks bro.

On a Roll

Dude, this new album of yours is shaping up real nice. Gotta jump on a couple tracks with you for sure.

RoobyKillAll responds:

Thanks a lot Mr. S.cRath.

Bomb Track

Man, genuinely good work here bro. Can't wait till you're done this album so we can blare it in the car cruisin' around town.

RoobyKillAll responds:

lol hopefully you'll have your monster SUV by then so the whole gangsta image is complete.

But that's just how we fuckin' roll. Aint just an image ;) Thanks for the review bro.

Needs Work

I'm going to take this opportunity to leave a real review. Rooby asked me to jump on a track with him, so I did, but I don't have any serious gripes with you as of yet.

Your lyrics are passable, but the peak and flatten out too much. What I mean by that is you'll have a couple good lines and then follow them with a bunch of weak ones with little impact and/or simple rhymes. They just seem like space fillers to fill out the song. You rhyme the word 'you' far too often in my opinion, you should try expanding your vocabulary a little bit.

You're delivery seems a little weak to me. You fall off beat too often, have you ever studied music at all? You need to learn how timing actually works. For instance, most of (if not all) the beats you use are made in 4:4 time. If you learn and understand that, flowing with the music becomes easier. Also, I hear you stutter and stop sometimes, almost like there is a comma in your rap where there shouldn't be.

You say that you aren't going to give real effort until you're 'moved', but that sounds like you making an excuse for doing a poor job. Perhaps if you shortened the song from nearly 8 minutes to 3 or 4, you could put more effort and polish things up a little, and it wouldn't take any extra time.

Now you can go ahead and rip this review up like I've seen a thousand times on this site, but just know that I'm not trying to be a dick right now, I'm just being honest and trying to lend a few pointers. Do with it what you will.

- S.cRath

Broken-Needle responds:

sir I always I appreciate constructive critiscism and when one has a point the last thing I'm gonna do is rip on them, but honestly I've asked people to listen to your friend but they simply can't he simply sounds annoying, so to honestly put effort and write lines like I did for "Black rob" is honestly a waste of time if this kid is just gonna come back with oh im gonna shoot you with my smith and weson .22 .303 like honestly how can you tell me my lyrics r passable when his are fail. although thanks 4 the review, oh and wut you mena with the 4:4 time thing cuz no I've never had music classes
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

Whaddup Robby

I don't know if it's just me, but this song sounds fucking bomb. Honestly, with some better quality equipment, I'd call this radio quality. Definately your best work to date in my opinion. Fuckin' good job on the chorus too, seriously. Downloaded and put on the ipod.

RoobyKillAll responds:

Thanks man, Steppin' my game a little. I gotta work on the lyrics a bit though. I really like how I sang the chorus here. Chchchyeah.

There comes a time in every man's life when he must travel to iceland and make guacamole for his father's cousin's nephew. And for me, that time has come. Unfortunately, I went to Spain and made tzatziki sauce for my mother's aunt's brother. Ah well.

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